Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bongodox pedalling for development

Maulid Yahaya - Camera Man, Bongodox
Bongodox has been pedalling a lot during the last two months, and we have survived our share of road accidents and malaria attacks. Our main transport is bicycles, as our budget is low. Our visual talent and camera man Maulid Yahaya hit the dust roads five times during this period!

However, we keep up hopes. Attendance of participants is good, people have received us well in the villages, and as the district authorities have now given us a formal permission, on the side of tourism, to film in Rungwe district, we are happy and comfortable with this situation. A respectful relation to the local and district authorities is part of the forward way for us.

From left: Ima, Maulid and William at work in Bongodox
The outcome so far: We have recorded and stored spectacular video sequences showing 12 natural and cultural attractions around the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Furthermore we have conducted interviews with the main stakeholders of tourism and the environment in the villages at stake.

And so we are now ready to begin the first narrating and editing phase targeting the production of two documentaries about tourism and environment. Preparations have gone well for this matter. As part of the preparations, we have managed to invite two film experts to join during December; mr. Shime from Mbeya City and mr. Jakob from Denmark. This is a happy moment to us, because we believe that we can learn a lot through exchange of expertise.

Film expert Shime (right) with Bongodox supervisor Luka (left)

Photos in this blog post by the Bongodox Team in Rungwe District of Tanzania