Sunday, January 10, 2010

Next stop Africa...
”Are you ready for Africa?” A question people keep asking me these days, and still I don’t know the answer.

I‘m almost done with my endless to-do-lists and in my head Swahili words keep popping up… “Asante”… “Habari?”… My mind is set on Africa, but I’m still living on European time, trying to do too many things in too little time. So how do I figure out, if I’m ready for my Tanzanian adventure with Bongodox? Maybe the following can give me a clue:
  • I look in the mirror just to realize that the colour of my skin is turning grey and I’m freezing no matter how much clothes I put on. I desperately miss the sun!

  • 07.28: Eating breakfast while reading newspaper headlines. 07.29: Biiip, checking my mobile. 07.30: Checking my time planner. 07.33: Oops, need to be at work in exactly 27 minutes and I still haven’t found my shoes. Time’s up for more “Hakuna Matata” living!

  • At the bus-stop. Everybody is busy trying NOT to look at each other, including myself. I wonder; how would this situation look in Tanzania?

  • Running in the forest. Thinking of which video camera to bring for the project. Suddenly it strikes me that I don’t even know the Swahili word for camera, but it doesn’t matter; I know we’ll make it work anyway.

I think I get the clue… I’m ready! I’m ready to take action and make Bongodox flying. Right now it feels like thousands of butterflies are having a great party in my stomach. It’s awful and totally wonderful at the same time.

Next stop Africa… I can’t wait!


  1. Hi Kathrine
    You're ready! Let your heart join the butterfly party in your stomach and enjoy the feeling - everything will come your way, because you are doing the right thing. love Asbjørn

  2. Jambo, mama!
    Uha, det bliver bare SÅ fedt for dig, honey! Bare det var mig, der skulle med tilbage til Tanzania... misundelsen er stor, når man sidder og læser dit muntre og fantastiske indlæg.
    Held og lykke dernede - glæder mig til at følge dig.
    "Don't let the boys cook...!"

    Kwaheri na tutaonana,
    Bwana Bjarke
